Monday, December 17, 2007

Red Thread

Exercise today: Strength & Stretch class,
steps 5582

Monday is "Change the Bed" day at our house. So here is the Christmas duvet cover on the bed. Nobody ever told me that you could make a quilt top and then turn it into a duvet cover, I just did it because we have a duvet for the winter. It is so snuggly and warm, without being too hot. The regular cover is about worn-out with creeping wear holes near our face, so perhaps another duvet cover would be a good use for a UFO?

Secret Sister quilt: Finished the quilting I had planned to do with Red Thread. So before I changed the machine over to white thread, I finished making the binding, the rod pocket, and the label. When I then applied the binding to the quilt, I caught down the rod pocket and the label. In this photo you can see the backing fabric which is a fairly heavy flannel. The fabric's pattern does a great job concealing my wobbly machine quilting, and I love the pattern.

So now I have my only hand sewing to do on any quilt: tack down the lower edge of the rod pocket, and the folded edge of the label triangle. Now I am fearing the quilting that needs to be done in the white spaces on the quilt--but I'll put that off until tomorrow.


Exercise class stretches
Birthday lunch for Jo
Gift eggrolls for dinner

1 comment:

antique quilter said...

very pretty fabric on the back of that quilt! can't wait to see the whole front of the quilt