Monday, December 1, 2008

December turkeys

Because of the snow last night our exercise class was cancelled and we were at home this morning to see these visitors. When you see the driveway in front of them, you can get a sense of their size.

Here's a closer view so you can see that one turkey is up in the crabapple tree, trying to eat the crabapples. The others were scratching the ground and turning up a few from under the snow. They all stayed around for about a half an hour, marching hither and yon. These photos taken from the kitchen window.

Today I realized that I had enough fabric for a pillowcase left from the borders of the Floating Four-Patch quilt (Nov 26 post has photo). I spent the afternoon making eight smalled floating four-patch blocks to enhance the cuff, and then I sewed the pillowcase together with the method that encloses all the seams. This is the first one that I have made WITHOUT a little flap of folded fabric in the cuff seam. I considered it, but decided that it would actually detract from the pattern in this case. I delivered the quilt and pillowcase to the Grand Rapids Womens' Chorus at our rehearsal tonight.
We are doing a special performance for hospital staff on Thursday, and only 16 of us can be there, instead of the usual 38. Our director said, "Just imagine you are a Small Ensemble." With only four basses we were strung out and I certainly felt close to the sopranos in front of us.


Quiet day at home
Roads were not slippery, though they looked like it
Maybe we ARE ready for performance on Thursday!


Sherry said...

Your pictures did not come through for me; was looking forward to seeing the turkeys.

Sherry said...

Hi Sara: Thank you for posting the pictures again. . . I've never seen that many wild turkeys at one time!

Your pillowcase is wonderful!

Have a terrific day,

Unknown said...

wow, keep feeding them. think of christmas birds basting on an open fire....very good photos.