Monday, May 18, 2009

Purple Season

Chives in bloom in the herb garden.

Bluebells (purple-ish) under the saucer magnolia.

Lilacs that remain after mistaken trimming job.

And "my mother's" iris. Not really hers, but this was the only kind she had, so they are what I always thought Iris were supposed to be: PURPLE. I asked a neighbor for a piece when I saw that she had just the right kind. Thank you, my old neighbor. I moved it with me to our new house 16 years ago.
Exercise class
The rows of triangles are sewn and put away until I need them for a border sometime later.

Vacation from Women's Chorus rehearsals for three months--free Monday evenings!

1 comment:

Quilter Kathy said...

Love the purple...lilacs are my favorite!