Monday, July 19, 2010

Day Lily Season

Seems that almost all the flowers I have right now are day lilies. This is the closest to white.

A "blush" color that doesn't look like much next to the others, but is very nice on its own.

Around here these are called "Ditch Day Lilies" because they do proliferate in the ditches. Obviously they multiply easily, and hence I like them for filling in spaces!

The workmen did come today. They are currently putting in the porch door. They are also considering what might be wrong with the fan remote. Carpeting WILL be done tomorrow!

Hurray! After they leave I will be able to move one chair out there and read this afternoon. Ha, on all mosquitoes!

So I need to go to the library for new books, and to the Ford Museum to pick up my three patriotic quilts that have been on display with many others. Then I can sew a little and finally sit on the porch.



Greg Mortenson ("Three Cups of Tea" tells his story)
He's almost as big a challenge as Mother Theresa.
The other grandmother of our grandkids
Going out for breakfast


Nines said...

Love the lillies. Always a fresh burst of color. Wish they could hang around a little longer. the porch looks like it has always been there. Enjoy!

Rosalyn Manesse said...

Lovely flowers, and hope you enjoy the new decor