Friday, March 30, 2012

Tenor Baby

One of the gals in out yenor section is expecing a baby in May,  anad I was able to get the binding on this one in time efor a shower this Sunday/

And here's the back:

Lots more bright colors for a girl whose Mom is called Tango.



Managed to attend most of a bass sectional
Charlie keeps taking good care of me
Sewing helps my mental health


Carol Ingells said...

You have been in my prayers daily, Sara. And Charlie, too! I'm impressed with your courage, determination and sense of humor. May you continue to grow stronger every day. And I'm very glad Charlie is taking good care of things. I was pretty sure he would!
Sending love and a hug.

cityquilter grace said...

been watching the blog but no posts, no doubt you are busy recuperating and go girl!