Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Olympic Sock Knitting
Sunday, August 24, 2008
UFOs before the New Year
Finn has just challenged herself to finish FIVE, count 'em 5, UFOs before the New Year. Sounds like a good plan to me, so I signed on, also for FIVE.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Pair #2 finished
Yes, I finished knitting this pair of socks during the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Then I needed to have 10 minutes with the TV turned OFF so I could sew the end of the toe together using the "Kitchener" stitch. This too is a new process to me, and I need to follow one direction step at a time.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Olympic knitting

So during the Opening Ceremonies, I plan to finish my second pair of socks. Only a bit of the toe left of the second sock. Should be able to do that tonight.
After that I am going to start my THIRD

These yarns have been developed since the last time I knit, years ago. Both of them are dyed in sections so that you don't have to change yarns to change the color of the stripe. Easy peasy! Which is good since I have to pay enough attention to the FORM of the sock (cuff, heel, foot, toe).

Temperatures in the 70's
Lots of mail goes directly into trash
Black-eyed Susans in the meadow
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Grand Canyon trip
We are back from our trip to an intergenerational Elderhostel with our granddaughter to the Grand Canyon. We flew to Las Vegas and on our way to the site we drove on a portion of old Route 66 in western Arizona.
Wow! What a difference from last week at Lake Michigan! Dry, dusty and hot, hot.
In one "ghost" town we saw wild burros, left from the days the Army used them to carry loads (WWI?).
They really weren't very WILD since they were cruising the main street looking for handouts. Lots of people had brought carrots to feed them. SaraRachel and Charlie were able to pat them with no problems.
One day we drove in vans down a feeder canyon and then all played in the silty waters of the Colorado River at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
Lots of particles suspended in this water! Any white clothes turned tan that day!
Buckets were provided so the kids could douse the grandparents--and one another.
The next day we rafted 30+ miles inside the canyon, where we were glad to get splashed by the rapids because the temperature was 110 F.
Some of the rapids were strong enough to wash away our hats, so everyone had to have a method of tying them on. SaraRachel used a scrunchie, and some string around her ponytail.
At the end of our rafting tour we were lifted out of the canyon by an 8 minute helicopter ride! SaraRachel said that was the "best" event of the trip for her.
We ALL had a good time together, including the two nights in Las Vegas where we used the airport. However, I still don't think Las Vegas is a vacation spot for me. Just not my kind of thing! Quiet and nature are what I like.
SaraRachel's enthusiasm for everything
New experiences
Home to my own bed!