Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Several months ago I saw an article on the internet about saving selvages from fabric and then making quilt blocks from them---a particular form of String Quilts.

So have have asked my quilting bee and the sewers at retreats if they would give me their selvages, if they have no use for them. After the additiona at my last two retreats I found I had this whole box of "fluffed up" strips.

At the suggestion of the Heartstrings group I have finally ripped up an old sheet into 7"x14" rectangles for base fabric. Yesterday I had a few minutes for "mindless" sewing and began. At first I sewed a straight stitch quite near the tightly woven selvage edge (after overlapping the previous raw edge about 1/4-1/8th inch). I found that I wasn't keeping the seams straight, no was I sure about catching the invisible edge. So I changed to a zigzag stitch.

I now have two rectangles done and a narrower strip for some leftovers. I'll make some more and then start thinking about how this will be put together.



dinner at Dianne's

Sue's help with driving to and from eosophagus scoping

beautiful sunny day after a lot of clouds

1 comment:

Helen in the UK said...

Looks like a fun project!
Also, love your floating 4 patch quilt - beautiful :)