Monday, April 19, 2010

More spring

Can you tell that more of the little bluebells are in view? I know they're not very big. but I am thrilled nonetheless. I was really sure that some underground varmint had dug the bulbs and had them for dinner.

And there is our neighbor's Redbud on his side of the driveway, and our much smaller one, I think a volunteer child of his, on our side of the driveway.

Yesterday I got all four sawtooth borders on the "Son of Star Struck", and I think I am done. Since this will go in the Guild Small Quilt Auction, it can't be much bigger than the 29" square it is right now. Maybe a teensie border of white and then the blue binding.



Tho' I fell off the diet and exercise program for three days, I climbed back on.
Good dinner and conversation with Peter & Lynne
Won opera tickets for three performances next year

1 comment:

Rosalyn Manesse said...

nice to see spring flowers, and that's one great quilt--all those triangles!