Sunday, May 11, 2008

Busy weekend

The Grand Rapids Women's Chorus, here shown on stage doing a mike check beforehand, had our Spring Concert Saturday night. We had a good audience, who appeared to enjoy our music. I am anticipating hearing the concert for the first time when we get the CD recording in a couple of weeks. Because I am in the backrow, extreme right corner, surrounded by other tenors, I have trouble knowing what any part but my own is singing. And then when soloists step forward to sing toward the audience, I don't always hear them very well either. Just have to follow our director and hope for the best.

Got home about 11 pm, and found this basket of flowers on the kitchen counter. They are from DD Martha and her husband in St, Louis. Tried to finish my sermon, but went to bed with matters hanging in the air. Managed to finish it up after breakfast.

Lots of RED clothing in the congregation this morning in honor of Pentecost, and lots of hymns about the Holy Spirit. The gospel was from John, with Jesus breathing the Spirit on the disciples, then immediately saying, "Whose sins you forgive are forgiven." This has always seemed a little peculiar to me, but I came to understand that he himself had just then enacted forgiveness by coming to the friends who had abandoned him. Rather than chastizing them, he said,"Peace be with you." So forgiveness must have been on all their minds.

The outdoor pennants were flying gaily in the face of clouds and drizzle, and drew another man into the church to ask about them!

I have managed to sew a couple of Orange Crush blocks for Step 4 of Orange Crush together. Bonnie is having us make HSTs of yardage fabric (not scraps) and combining them with the previously made 4-patches into this block, which she calls Spinning Stars. That's not a lot of contrast between the black and teal triangles, but Bonnie doesn't have a alot of contrast in her yardage either. So I assume this is going to do something wonderful with the blocks that are yet to come.
Peter cooked at our house, making lovely Cornish hens with wild rice and cranberry dressing. What a treat!
A pressurized week completed
Charlie's Pentecost pants can be retired!
Gentle rain all day for the garden

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You HAVE had a busy weekend - glad it was so productive and enjoyable. I like the look of your block - it will be interesting to see how it works with the rest of the fabrics won't it?