Yesterday I finished the FOURTH of the five UFOs I told Finn I would complete before the end of 2008.

Quilting diary with some digressions
Yesterday I finished the FOURTH of the five UFOs I told Finn I would complete before the end of 2008.
I got up LATE, yea! After breakfast I did all the prep possible for my two vegetable dishes, creating the good smells of bacon (for the green beans), then onions saute-ing. Now everything is packed and ready to go to the Miller house on The Lake (Lake Michigan), where I certainly hope the smell of turkey is in the air.
Therefore I sat down to the next step of my machine quilting---a border feather. YIKES!
Well, I couldn't think of anything else to fill the space. I sketched the center line, and marked the width of the edges to avoid. And this is it for the first one.
Can't get the "repeat" lines to fall on top of each other a good deal of the time. I need to get away and breathe for an hour!
Then it will be time to change clothes and go. So no more until this evening, or tomorrow.
So much to be thankful for--a heated house, no real hunger, good health in all but minor matters, a more racially tolerant country.
And our family and friends.
Slow down and enjoy each bite!
Catherine Martin finished quilting my "Floating Four-Patch" and I picked it up today. All batik blocks, mostly from an internet exchange, and more were made on our Bee retreat in September.
I took Gwen Marston's idea for long narrow triangles and made a few spikes for each side of the border--something to contrast with all the squares.
And then I told Catherine to quilt it with something like Baptist Fans. I see some circles, which I don't think you would ever get with Baptist Fans, but I like the effect. It's a little whacky!
I got the binding on this afternoon, so now I just need a label (which I will WRITE on the white muslin backing) and a trip to the washing machine.
This quilt is going to be an auction for the Grand Rapids Womens' Chorus on December 13.
Catherine's work
Enough matching fabric for the binding
Turkey tomorrow!
At that point I bethought myself that there are older girls who need dolls also, so the last two are meant for them. In the box is a Disney "Einstein" doll ($10) and the totally soft "Groovy Girl" with no box was $11.
I could enjoy these three new doll quilts from my seat in the dining room during dinner tonight.
This is #4, made from an orphan block. I once had about 20 of these blocks made into a twin quilt with a lovely interlocking design. Obviously I had a left over block, and this is what I did to get rid of it.
This is #5. I had a pile of pre-made 4.5" blocks and many of them were blue, so they got put together. Then it seemed to be too rectangular, so I put only two borders on it. This "counts" as a UFO finish to me because the blocks were all made long ago. Must tell Finn, that's #3.
The back is an orange and black African print. You can see a tiny bit of it in the binding.
And here is #6. I had five of these blocks left from another quilt, and some leftover green single bias binding. Still one more block to use up!
This one has a wild pink and white batik for the backing.
I've been working on these for several days, and there is one more in the wash machine.
So as part of my weekly shopping trip today I went to Toys R Us and bought five more dolls. No pic since I stored them in the trunk of the car so I'll be sure to have them WITH me for the Guild meeting next week.
Rutabaga is not as bad as I thought when I was a kid
[mixed with potato]
Ready for "Show and Tell" at the Bee tomorrow
Funny old dog trying to chase deer
Heat in the house
Hot water for showers
Bass sectional at my house went well
Next: Finish the borders on the SpoolSpinners' (my bee) second Whacky Basket quilt, so we can have a drawing among our members. All the baskets were from an idea of Gwen Marston, which we doubled by cutting two layers at once. I set this group in the twist-'n-turn manner.
I first tried a white fabric with colored polka dots as a narrow inner border, and after a night's sleep took it off. It was too close to the baskets, making them look cramped. So now I'm working on an addition of more black strips before anything different.
November waited this long before appearing
Saturday TV quilting shows
Spaghetti and meatballs!
I found another UFO when I was piecing a back from a pile of 10 1/2" squares. A Convergence mini that I consider a failure. I love the fabrics together, but the angles of the cuts weren't doing it for me.
But I hate to throw it away!
It could be part of the BACK of some quilt. But it could also be another doll quilt.
So I used the accompanying check for the back, layered it and stitched in the ditch on all the seams. Made sense to follow around the golden flowers free hand. Now I am trying to figure out what to do for quilting those pesky circles. Here's a better photo for the quilting, but the colors are off.
So I look out at the lake and see that the Kousa dogwood has turned red and a volunteer baby oak is golden.
Yesterday I was having company for dinner, AND I was inspired to see if I could make a doll quilt in a day. Thursday I had gotten my baby doll for the Santa Claus Girls collection, and my "Mod" doll quilt didn't seem quite right for her. (No problem because the Guild needs extra quilts for the extra dolls that are turned in.)