These two quilts came out of the dryer today.

Quilting diary with some digressions
These two quilts came out of the dryer today.
Left-over Mountains Majesty blocks, left-over HST borders, left-over fabrics, but not really a UFO. It wasn't even on my list. Sometimes I happen to see some blocks that have been lying around, and, who knows why, I feel the time has come to finish them off. I even forgot about it after I handed to Catherine for quilting. I was very surprised when she gave it back to me last night at Bee.
I keep putting off making any progress on the "Amish Lib" top. I have only cut a few strips with which to make the letters. Nothing more sewn together.
Made a second house for Bumble Beans after I got the envelope ready. I used a "window pane check" fabric to make the windows, but again I made a mistake. This time the roof was too short, so the whole block was not wide enough. I decided that adding a coping strip on the right would be OK. . .make a little space between the houses.
BumbleBeans, at , is soliciting 10.5" house blocks for a project in NYC to benefit the homeless, but no wonkiness allowed. Here's my contribution. Now to get her address and send it off.
Study the muslin back of this quilt and try to imagine it without the straight lines. That's how it came back from the LA quilter. I had told her to use "feminine" designs since it was for a woman, and I thought the back could be used as a whole cloth quilt as an option. Well, I wasn't satisfied with the open spaces, so have spend part of two days wrestling this double-sized quilt through my DSM to get the straight lines filled in.
I'm participating in a challenge by Tonya, Lazy Gal, to make a liberated Amish style quilt with liberated lettering on the front somewhere. The details are at
Both came out of the dryer with wrinkles. I guess they are just a little too big for the space available.
Sewing the binding on the back of Eleanor's Pink & Green Bargello, I found that the quilting lines show up very well through the polar fleece. It is currently in the dryer, so I will take a full photo later. Where is the fabric I was going to use for a matching pillowcase?
I've been taking the next steps with this neonatal quilt. I found this cute paper doll fabric online, cut squares, decided on brown sashing, and got to this stage tonight. I'm going to let the border decisions percolate overnight.
Despite all the UFO work, or BECAUSE of all the UFO work, I have started a new quilt.