Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Another "found" project

I saw a plastic box on a lower shelf, and found that it had a stack of triangles all cut out to be a kalidiescope (sp?) quilt.

I know I don't want to make that anymore.

BUT they can be sewn together in strips. So that has been my mindless task during the last few days between the nervousness for the concert, sore, sore feet after the concert, and then a funeral trip taking most of the day on Tuesday.

No, I don't have any idea where these will be used. Right now I imagine them being BORDERS on some future creation. I now have four strips about 40" long, and more pieces still in the box. I aim to empty that box!
But I SHOULD get back to a close-to-finish UFO, so I have something completed this month.

Lilacs blooming in many yards
Georgette Heyer (author)
Charlie out hiking as "trail volunteer"


Karen said...

Good idea to come up with for the triangles you were going to make something else with. You won't be wasting all your work that you did cutting out the pieces!

Mary Johnson said...

I have a Thousand Pyramid quilt on my to do list...same shape as the Kaleidescope but you'd need to make more for a whole quilt.