Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sermon delivered

I got through it. I didn't realize how worried about preaching in front of the Bishop and other priest from the diocese I was.

We have blizzard level winds and drifting snow, but we luckily drive west to church, not north or south, so the roads were open.

At the regular morning service, my only duty was to lead some music during communion with my guitar. That was no strain, and we also sang some familiar and wonderful Advent hymns, and one of our other lay preachers had a good homily about Mary accepting God's great INTERRUPTION of her life. For lunch we didn't go home, but went to Schuler Book for soup and salad.

Then back to the church for Matthew's ordination. The service was delayed in starting because of the driving conditions, but all went well, and we had a congregation of about 55 people, many of whom drove home and back again after the morning service.

No photos, since I forgot my camera!

And when I asked the Bishop afterwards if I needed any theological correction on my sermon, he said, "No, I agreed with everything you said."
Hoo-ee, what a relief! And my knees were exhausted when I got home.

Now maybe I'll have a little time for quilting in the spaces between Christmas prep.


Kathie and Jo got to the service
Not many vehicles on the road
Charlie heated up leftover soup for supper

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