Friday, February 22, 2008

Wierd or Random

Tracy at Tis a Gift has tagged me with the 7 Wierd Things request. Boy, Tracy, you must be reaching deep! Maybe I'll have to focus on "random" rather than "wierd".

1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

Maybe I'll have to focus on "random" rather than "wierd".

1. Son Peter was born to us, and later we adopted our daughter Martha. Just because there are kids who need families, and we didn't think our genes were going to save the world. (Still of that opinion.)
2. I have a Master's in Theology (Biblical Studies) from Notre Dame. Therefore (?) I have been qualified to be a Lay Preacher in our Episcopal congregation for the past 10 years.
3. My husband, Charlie, is an Episcopal priest, and has been the Rector of Holy Cross in suburban Grand Rapids for 29 years. He just announced his retirement NEXT January. This means I too will "retire" from Holy Cross and preaching.
4. I read a lot of "escapist" novels of the historical romance genre. A total waste of time, but I seem to be addicted.
5. I want to be Gwen Marston when I grow up. See Whacky Baskets.
6. My Meyers-Briggs type is INTX (Introverted Intuitive Thinker). That's only 1-2% of the population, yet my son is the same type!
7. Because I have loved singing in ensembles, I joined the Grand Rapids Women's Chorus in 2005 when our family had commissioned a work by Libby Larson for them. Now I know a lot more lesbians than I was aware of before. Surprise, surprise, they're practically completely like heterosexual women!

Let's see, do I even know seven people I can tag?
Life is a Stitch
Quilting is My Passion
With Strings Attached

The real question is: Why do we do this?
I'm interested in learning more about these women because I find their quilts interesting.

And now a QUILT picture! Gotta have photos. Here is a Round Robin quilt I worked on in 2005. We were doing an exchange with Colac, Australia. On the left is the center square we received, a Triangle border, and applique border, and then a 1" border.

On the right is the "border" that I added, which was to be made of or include Squares. With that fan in the middle, I felt it was time to get this turned on point.
I am quite proud of this "solution" because it gives a layered look to the piece, and I managed to let the applique continue to shine. On Round Robins I keep telling myself, EVERY round can't be the Star. Let there be some resting places.
Dinner with friends at Leo's
Finished Monthly Secret Sister

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