Sunday, January 20, 2008

Carolina Crossroads Layout

After church,

and the potluck,
and the annual meeting. . . . . . I managed to get to work on the Ring blocks of Bonnie Hunter's Carolina Crossroads mystery. There is ONE Ring block on the corner of my sewing desk. Ten others are in mid-construction, and there will be 20 after that. Last night I RE-constructed a number of the smaller blocks to get some variety into the dark yellow fabrics.

This whole ENDING of the project is getting very slow--I am not decided about whether or not I want to put it together the way Bonnie has. This indecision is interferring with every step of the project! I have to keep telling myself, "Just do the NEXT thing!" I don't have to do all of the steps, just the next step.

I laid out a sample of the blocks (with just the one Ring block), and I am wondering about separating the blocks with sashing.

But I also read the comment of someone else who was going to make the blocks into two different quilts. That's another possibility.

I think I will have to get some more blocks done before I can make a decision.

I lost a lot of time over a couple of football games. Too bad for the Packers!


No exercise today


People sang well and covered up my guitar errors

Finally got the primrose to Ann

Olive tapenade on crackers

1 comment:

swooze said...

I really like the looks of your blocks. Very, very scrappy and very unique.